Heineken Lets Fans Interact With "The Entrance" on YouTube

Over the past few months, Heineken's commercial "The Entrance" has universally been embraced by millions of consumers across the world. The commercial, created in tandem with Wieden + Kennedy Amsterdam, has attracted over 1 million views on YouTube and millions of more impressions on television.
However, while the campaign proved to be very successful in North America, Heineken took the campaign to another level in Taiwan. Heineken launched an interactive YouTube videowhere consumers can engage with various elements of the commercial. By providing consumers with an opportunity to have control of their experience viewing "The Entrance", Heineken can likely generate higher brand/campaign recall and a higher viewer propensity to share.
The video's interactivity demonstrates how marketers have only begun to scratch the surface when it comes to fully utilizing YouTube as a messaging and engagement platform - especially in relation to the sports.
Check out the engaging YouTube campaign below!
(Please note: You will need to input your date of birth for verification purposes before viewing).
A special thanks to Cameron North of AdSport for his insights and contributions to this column!