Leverage Ice Cream Partners at Practice and Training Camp

The Baltimore Ravens recently turned some heads at training camp when coach John Harbaugh treated the team to a nice surprise after practice - ice cream. Harbaugh had local vendors drive ice cream trucks onto the team's practice fields and allowed players to choose whatever they wanted as a simple reward for practicing hard.
The tactic was a nice gesture by the Ravens' team personnel but signals a way that team's can incorporate their corporate partners (notably food/concessions vendors) throughout the season. As teams look to sell new inventory (or offer new value-add elements), they should consider approaching the coaching staff to see if there are any opportunities to execute similar stunts throughout practice, training camp, or during the offseason. It would be terrific if the team allowed fans attending practice to purchase items from the ice cream vendors as well.
With Sports Illustrated's Peter King on-site for training camp, the Ravens were able to create some "feel-good" buzz online and around camp.